Thursday, 19 June 2014

Posted on 03:58 in
Microsoft Office 2010
Create the first document: If you want, add some style quickly, you can add emphasis to a particular word in the page list, change page margins, spelling errors, how to enter and save your work are described.
Replace Using Find Word: And for more information on how to find a short tutorial and replace the text in Microsoft Word.
Create columns in Word 2010: The style of the video on how to create a brochure to open a document in Word 2010, using | PDF View | Watch video | ride the course
Create visually compelling documents in Word: Modifications, adjustments, using the same type of direct application of the document, and how to format the text in a text effect image editing tools, screen shots to use to improve the image and insert screenshots and edit documents and graphics Smart Art graphics Add graphics and images.

Microsoft Word 2010: Microsoft Word 2010 to become familiar with some of the new features in this free tutorial Microsoft.

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